How to get started?
As an Individual
- Take time to familiarize yourself with the levels and targets included in the R.I.D.E. Framework. Watch the “Getting Ready to R.I.D.E.: Inclusive Excellence at WFU” video.
- Do your own work to understand the identities you hold, your personal biases, and ways that you uphold patterns of exclusion.
- Use your voice, your actions, and your influence to ensure actionable equity and inclusion in your sphere of influence.
As an Organizational, Departmental or Institutional Leader
- Take time to familiarize yourself with the levels and targets included in the R.I.D.E. Framework. Watch the “Getting Ready to R.I.D.E.: Inclusive Excellence at WFU” video.
- Sign up for “R.I.D.E Plan Development” This is a 60-minute session intended for leaders and those with responsibility for leading diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts within their organization or department. Our video, “Getting Ready to R.I.D.E.: Inclusive Excellence at WFU” is not required, but viewing is strongly encouraged prior to attending this workshop.
- Use the guiding questions to have open, honest, and vulnerable conversations with your team/group.
- Review the tools and resources associated with your targets of interest.
- Use the R.I.D.E. Action Plan Template to map out specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound next steps for your group. What are you going to do? Who is responsible for getting it done? By when will you get it done? How will you know when it is done? How will you know that it is done well? How will you communicate your progress to the team?
- Familiarize yourself with the Rhythm of R.I.D.E.
- If needed, request a consult with a member of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion team to support you in planning and creating change.
R.I.D.E. Resources
On the R.I.D.E website:
On the ODI website:
R.I.D.E. Roadmap: