Evaluation & Data Overview

Evaluation and data are crucial for making informed decisions that lead to an increased sense of belonging and inclusion at Wake Forest University. The contents of this section of the R.I.D.E. Website are intended to be used by Wake Forest stakeholders to acquire a greater understanding of our diversity, inclusion, and equity outcomes.
The first part of this section highlights our institutional commitment to evaluation through the Belonging and Inclusion Campus Evaluation Project, an initiative that is long-term and takes an intentional approach to data collection, analysis, dissemination, and decision-making rather than a “one-off” and static survey.
The second part of this section highlights the Diversity Status Reports (DSRs) tool, which provides a summary of data related to student diversity, staff and faculty diversity, and degree completion results. Consider this section of the R.I.D.E. Website as one that is updated regularly as we learn more about ourselves and what needs to be done in our institutional pursuit of Inclusive Excellence.