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Community in Progress traces its roots back to the fall of 2015. At the time Wake Forest had just finished asking a group of staff, faculty, and students to assist with implementing a series of campus-wide initiatives. This work was organized under the banner of the Campus Climate Implementation Team. The CCIT embarked on a 2-year mission to look at a variety of campus life and academic experiences, aimed at enhancing the lived and learning experiences of all on campus. This “Archive,” and the content below, includes all of the information generated from that process. The website has not been changed, in an effort to provide historically accurate information. Consequently, some of the individuals in this archive are no longer affiliated with the institution. Still, their legacy lives on not only in the changes and initiatives grounded in the CCIT, but also in elements of the work undertaken by the 2019-2020 President’s Commission on Race, Equity, and Community, as well as the Slavery, Race, and Memory Project.

In spring 2014, as Wake Forest University was exploring how to help our campus community process and address societal inequities, a plan for collecting stakeholders’ voices was implemented. Through Deliberative Dialogs, conversations with student advocates, and input from faculty and staff, a series of demands and suggestions were collected and prioritized, culminating in a final report to the administration and campus community in spring 2015 through the Community in Progress website. In fall 2015 the Campus Climate Implementation Team (CCIT) was convened by the Office of the Provost, and was charged with articulating and implementing meaningful change for the institution. For three years (2015-2018) the CCIT met regularly to determine which areas from the spring 2015 report could be implemented, as well as determine specific campus partners who could bring these ideas to fruition. The CCIT ceased formal operations in spring 2018, since many of the key administrators who oversaw the initiative had left the university, and because several of the initiatives recommended in the final report had either been completed, or had morphed into a different campus project or goal. The Final CCIT Progress Update is the most up-to-date collection of the tangible outcomes from the original CCIT initiative. In addition, it serves as a “living document” for the intentional work around diversity, inclusion, and equity yet to be realized in our campus community, and is updated from time-to-time as personnel change or as different initiatives come on line. What follows below and in this section of the ODI website is an electronic archive of the Community in Progress output.