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Pursuing Inclusive Excellence is an ongoing commitment—it is always appropriate and necessary. That work happens in myriad ways and requires that we draw on our skills of empathy, understanding, cultural humility, critical reflection, analysis, and creative problem-solving. The Realizing Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity framework (R.I.D.E. Framework) and the action planning process provide an opportunity to take stock of ongoing departmental and organizational investment in and progress toward Inclusive Excellence.

The template below invites us to reflect on why we are doing this work (our purpose) and on how we intend to complete steps associated with the work (our plan). Use this R.I.D.E. action planning process to prompt recurring conversations about Inclusive Excellence – conversations that can lead to and be energized by direct, intentional action. If you’re wondering how to define DEI terms to your department/unit, access our definitions here.

Guide for Action Steps

Completing the template will help your department/unit complete the fall and spring institutional R.I.D.E. surveys.


Inclusive Excellence for Leaders: This 90-minute workshop is intended as a follow-up to our “Getting Ready to R.I.D.E.” video and is offered to both students and faculty/staff leaders. In this workshop, participants learn how to facilitate the R.I.D.E. Action Planning process with their teams.

Practitioner Panel: Our Virtual Practitioner Panel workshops focused on special topics identified through our conversations, workshops, and engagement with departmental leaders. Each Virtual Practitioner Panel includes faculty and staff from across the institution to share best practices, resources, and lessons learned as they lead their team through the action planning process.