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As part of our commitment to institutional assessment and actions that demonstrate inclusive excellence, Wake Forest University has partnered with Rankin Climate to administer the Belonging and Inclusion Climate Evaluation Project during academic year 2024. Specifically, in the spring of 2024, Wake Forest conducted an institution-wide campus climate assessment on belonging. Information on the survey can be found at:

The Belonging and Inclusion Campus Evaluation Project has a primary goal of collecting and analyzing campus climate data to more accurately and intentionally inform policy, practice, and decision-making strategies.  The assessment process and outcomes will support a diverse, inclusive, and equitable learning community that facilitates belonging for all of WFU.

The Project includes 3 components: 1) Archival review of existing data, 2) Multi-level assessment of key indicators based upon the R.I.D.E. Framework, and 3) Interpretive, intersectional reporting.

Executive Steering Committee:

Office of Diversity and Inclusion: